Present your company professionally on social media.
We connect companies with people via social media.
Not being active on social media as a company is not only a waste of opportunity, but can also have a negative impact on your public image.
Our mission is to utilise precisely these opportunities with and for our customers and to create a digital presence in the relevant social networks that takes your company further.
A web app that nobody else has.
We combine creativity with effectiveness and efficiency.
We have developed our #postingwerkstatt WebApp together with our customers and employees, creating a comprehensive and efficient solution that enables us and our customers to deliver our social media service with maximum effectiveness.
This leaves more time for creative ideas and realisation, while keeping costs and effort clearly within limits.
A short extract from our history.
Creation and marketing of first tutorial videos
In 2017, we worked as an external service provider for a software company for the first time and created tutorial videos (screencast).
Further orders followed in the years that followed, including product videos for the world's second largest manufacturer of document scanners.
2017First full channel management
An existing customer of our advertising agency asked for comprehensive support. "Take photos, write texts, publish".
It was only after discussions with other customers that the actual requirements and the challenges that needed to be overcome became apparent.
2020Foundation of #postingwerkstatt
As demand increased and processes became more complex, we founded #postingwerkstatt and began developing our first social media dashboard.
Spring 2022#postingwerkstatt WebApp
With increasing growth and a now huge daily contribution volume, we have released our first version of the #postingwerkstatt WebApp, significantly optimising internal and external processes and further improving collaboration with our customers.
November 2022#postingwerkstatt Configurator
Away from the "rigid packages"!
With the introduction of the #postingwerkstatt configurator, we have responded to our customers' desire for more flexible service offerings.
The number of posts, the intensity of the reach expansion and many other ancillary services can now be fully customised using our configurator.
May 20238,500 posts per year
With over 160 posts per week (more than 8,500 per year), a weekly engagement of over 4,500 (more than 234,000 per year) and over 210,000 impressions per week (more than 11,000,000 impressions per year), we have grown with our customers to become the largest social media content service provider in Germany.
August 202313.800 Beiträge, 20.000.000 Reichweite, Optimierte Strukturen
In den vergangenen 12 Monaten konnten wir mit unseren Kunden das Beitragsvolumen um mehr als 60%, auf mehr als 13.800 Beiträge pro Jahr, erneut erheblich steigern.
Die Reichweite unserer Kundenkonten betrug in den letzten 12 Monaten etwa 20.000.000 erreichter Konten, über 90 % davon in Deutschland.
Intern haben wir im Laufenden Jahr einige Umstrukturierungen vorgenommen, sodass die Betreuung unserer Kunden noch individueller und persönlicher erfolgen kann. So wurde, neben personeller Umstrukturierung, unter anderem mit unserem Content Creation Team und einigen ersten Kunden die Ideenschmiede für ein noch bessere Ideenmanagement eingeführt und äußerst positiv angenommen.
Für den Vertrieb wurde eine eigene Abteilung mit starker, erfahrener Führung gegründet, sukzessive aufgebaut und sowohl intern als auch extern bereits jetzt erweitert.
September 2024